I am a self taught programmer and Developer who can code in multiple Languages. I am a curious Learner and always ready to jump to learn new language and new Technology Stack.
I do love watching videos on youtubes about devcons, defcons, hackatahons etc. Road Trip is my yearly refreshment and I do love to visit new places. I am not much into books but i love learning and internet is my best friend. I love to learn and follow best design patterns in industry. Do watch a lot of videos on Architecture, Design and Coding.
I’m Meraj Ahmad Siddiqui Software Engineer
July 2018 - June 2020
Masters's in Business Administration
Jaipur National University- Major : Information Technology
- Marks : N.A
- Mode : Distance
July 2012 - June 2016
Bachelor of Technology
G. B. Pant Government Engineering College, New Delhi- Major : Electronics & Communication Engineering
- Marks : 71.07%
- Project : Network Security & Pentration
July 2010 - March 2012
Senior School Certificate Exam
Jamia Senior Secondary High School- Major : Physics, chemistry, Mathematics & Comuter Science
- Marks : 85%
July 2008 - March 2010
High School Certificate Exam
Jamia Senior Secondary High SchoolGraduated High School with 90%.
July 2019 - January 2020
Senior Product Engineer Original4Sure, Gurgaon, India
- Windows Application Packaging for on premise solution.
- Writing Installer to install the application and maintain the service
- Single Sign On implementation for login across products
October 2018 - July 2019
Platform Engineer Lucid LLC, Gurgaon, India
- Integrating APIs
- Developing REST APIs
- Fixing Bugs in Existing Application
- Developing Chrome Extensions
- Developing SDK for the other team to directly integrate our API
November 2017 - September 2018
Software Engineer Rankwatch Inc., Gurgaon India
- Developing Micro-Services
- Developing Crawlers and Bots to crawl Search Engines
- Fixing Bugs in Existing Application
- Working with Rasberry PI's to work as Bot.
- Building Graph data with ArangoDB, and for normal data storage MongoDB
November 2016 - October 2017
Junior Software Developer Rankwatch Inc., Gurgaon India
- Developing Monitoring System to monitor diffrent processes and tools
- Developing Web Platform to analyse the keyword Ranking
- Fixing Bugs in Existing Application